You can access IA2 services through the RAP (Remote Authentication Portal) application.
RAP allows you to login using different methods:
To register on our system just perform your first login on one of the services using the method you prefer.
We recommend to authenticate using one of these modes but, if you don't have any of the listed account types, it is possible to perform a self-registration.
Users having self-registered accounts can login by clicking on the IA2 logo .
Authorization is managed using the GMS (Group Membership Service).
Login to see the groups of which you are member. If you are a PI you can add members to your groups to share your data with collaborators.
For more information see the GMS help page.
If you have multiple accounts you can join them (account linking). When two accounts have been joined it is possible to login indistinctly using one account or the other and the services will treat the access in the same way (so, logging in with both the accounts you will have the same resource access authorization).
Steps to join accounts:
When you have performed an account linking you can click on the star-shaped icon for selecting you primary identity. Mail address associated to primary identity is the one that our systems use for sending e-mail messages.
If you were logged into a different service (e.g. a portal) you need to logout and repeat the login for seeing the result of a join operation.
IA2 team:
Technical contact: